Curdridge Country Show.

Dog Factor

Update 14 July:  Due to the high temperatures we are experiencing, there is a chance that Dog Factor may be cancelled.  At the moment, we are urging people to consider leaving their dogs at home and not exposing them to this heat.  In the meantime, we are continuing to make sure there will be access to water and shade and, we are trying to create a paddling area for dogs on the show-ground to help you keep your dogs cool if you are unable to leave them at home.  Any announcements about Dog Factor will be made over the PA System on show-day, put here on our website and on our Facebook page – watch this space!


Dog Factor is a family-inclusive dog-show that is taking place in the entertainment arena at 2.45pm on show-day.  It is very popular with visitors to the Show as it gives the chance to show-off your furry friend and win a rosette.  Dog Factor is sponsored by Raw Pet Food Pantry and is a free competition for any dog attending the Show with their owner. 

This year’s classes are:

  • Best large dog in show
  • Best small dog in show
  • Best puppy in show
  • Best child dog-handler
  • The waggiest tail
  • The shiniest dog-coat

Goodall Dog Training and The Raw Pet Food Pantry will be working together to judge each class and award the rosettes to the winners.

All dogs are welcome to come to the Show as long as they are well behaved and kept on lead.  Water-stations and shade is available on the show-ground.  Please take care as it might be a hot day and there will be crowds of people to attend with.  Please make sure your dog is happy and comfortable at all times.  Do not leave dogs unattended in cars as they can soon get too hot.

There are some pet-friendly exhibitors on the showground including Raw Pet Food Pantry, Butternut Box, The Salty Dog Boutique, Natural Pawtions and The Moggy Shop.  Selling a variety of food, treats, collars, leads and toys for your pets.

If you and your dog want to enter Dog Factor, come to the Show Office at the edge of the Arena ready for Dog Factor to start at 2.45pm. 

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