Curdridge Country Show.

Volunteering at the Show

Your Village Needs You!

Putting on an event the size of the Show requires a huge amount of help from people giving their time and energy during the months leading up to the show, during show set-up and on show-day to help us make it happen.

Volunteering is a great way to get involved in this popular community event and is the perfect opportunity to meet new people.  It is incredibly satisfying to know that you are part of something that means such a lot to so many people and that you have played a part in helping to deliver an event that is enjoyed by so many.

The provisional date for the next show is Saturday 15th July 2023.  However, if there are not enough people to make up the Show Committee – the team of volunteers who plan, organise and deliver the Show, there will be no show next year.

There are a number of roles currently vacant on the committee.  Some of these have a requirement to be present on show-day whilst others involve tasks that will be completed during the lead up to the show.  The amount of time anticipated for the roles varies from around 5 hours up to 30+ depending on what is involved.  The more volunteers we have, the less time commitment will be required from everyone – many hands really do make light work!

If you wish to join the show committee, please call us on 07722 787338 or, email your interest to by 15th December 2022.  Please click on the buttons below to see how you can help.

Please do not wait until closer to the Show to offer to help, we need to know NOW to determine whether next years show will go ahead.

Every volunteer will receive a complimentary entry ticket to the Curdridge Show as thanks for their generosity.

If you are already onboard as a volunteer for us, thank you so much for the time and effort that you give us.

If you are joining us, there are some documents that you will need to be familiar with.  Your Team-Leader will advise you on which policies and protocols are relevant to you closer to show-day, please make sure you read them when you can.

Data Protection Obligations

For the full data & privacy policy please click here:  Data & Privacy Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Prevention of Fraud Policy

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